Monday, June 1, 2009

First Post

Most of my posts will probably have to do with politics. As of right now, I am not a fan of our President Obama. When he made his speech before the Democratic Convention in 2004, I was really excited because here was a young man who said the right things and was able to electrify an audience. He was known then as a "Rising Star". It was after he was elected to the U.S. Senate that I started to have my doubts. Now he was saying the same things that all the way-left Democrats were saying, and I certainly did not agree with them. By the time he started to run for President, I knew that he was completely wrong for the job. I was luke-warm about McCain, but really got excited when Sarah Palin came on the scene.
So, how did Obama get elected? First and foremost, he ran an almost flawless campaign and was able to raise unprecedented amounts of money. The media was solidly behind him and promoted the "Rock Star" image that drew huge crowds and a lot of attention. Because his followers were so besotted with him, they ate up his talking points; no more George Bush, tax the evil rich, tax cuts for 95% of the people, close Guantanamo, government health care, clean energy, etc. To sum it up, the people voted, and now we are stuck with him.
To quote Jeremiah Wright, "The chickens have come home to roost". We now have a debt that is impossible to pay, our creditors are having second thoughts about lending to us, and bone-crushing inflation is just around the corner. The inflation alone is enough to ruin the life of someone like me, who thought he had saved enough to retire.
The sad thing is that it seems he cannot be stopped. Things will get a lot worse before they get better.
I thought it was kind of strange that the stock market was up over 220 points today, the same day that GM, one of our oldest and largest companies, declared bankruptcy. To me, it seemed like a sigh of relief.
Well, this was a bit of a history lesson, but I wanted to set the scene. Future posts should be more focused.


  1. This is a test comment. It seems that several who tried to post a comment were having trouble.

  2. I'm with you regarding the opportunity that the Republican party has at this time. I'm not in line with Huckabee, though. He and McCain conspired to oust Romney and that wasn't right. That put me against McCain until he picked Sarah Palen. I saw Romney speak in Cherokee, Iowa, and became a fan. Doesn't mean that I can't become a Huckabee fan but it will take some doing.

