Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I was watching the O'reilly Factor a few minutes ago, and caught an interview with Bill Burton, Deputy Press Secretary (I think that's his title) for the White House. Juan Williams, who was standing in for Bill O'reilly, asked him questions about the Cap and Tax bill, the health care plan and Obama's promise to not raise taxes. I swear - it was just like watching Baghdad Bob telling the audience that the Americans were nowhere near the capital city, while buildings were burning over his left shoulder. On Cap and Tax, supposedly the average family might see energy costs rise by as much as $175 annually. And this would not be a tax, but merely the energy company passing on the extra costs to the consumer. (He evidently forgot that Obama himself said that the price of electricity would skyrocket.) He added that the primary purpose of the bill was to create jobs. On the health care question, he answered that the bulk of the costs would be paid for by shifting around money that is already in the current system, with no details given. He prefaced every answer with, "The President has made it crystal clear.....". The only thing that was crystal clear was that he, Robert Gibbs, and that heavy woman that gives interviews on a regular basis (senior moment - I can't remember her name) evidently have a very narrow range of answers that they are allowed to give.
I know I've mentioned this before, but I have noticed this same kind of crap when I check out the North Korean News Agency reports, or when I tune into Iranian state-run Press TV. I expect it from them - they are wild-eyed dictatorships that feel they have to fabricate untruths in order to stay in power. The most important ingredient in this formula is that the rulers feel that the citizens are too dumb to try to figure out the truth. Unfortunately, it seems that Obama has that same opinion about us. In his campaign he had promised openness, accountability, no pork in the bills, and bipartisanship. He hasn't followed through on any of it and nobody is calling him on it. Somehow he has managed to push through several major bills, loaded with earmarks and costing trillions of dollars without allowing time for our elected representative to read them before they voted. On the Cap and Tax thing, 350 pages of amendments were brought in at 3:00 AM on the day of the vote, and yet it passed. I say that those in Congress should be ashamed of themselves for going along with this kind of stuff. Where in the heck are their spines? We are the big losers in this. We voted these clowns in and they forgot about us, leaving us unrepresented. There are a bunch of Tea Parties scheduled for this weekend - maybe we should find one and join in.

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