Monday, April 30, 2012

Too Many Chiefs?

I must have driven by this building hundreds of times.  I knew that this is the administration building for the Omaha Public Schools, but it never sunk in how BIG this building is.  The bricks and mortar part has a footprint of about two city blocks, and a part of it is five stories high.  The parking area amounts to another three blocks.

   When this place fills up on a workday, what in the world does everyone DO?? 

In spite of all the direction that comes out of this hallowed ediface, we still have students that do not graduate and have trouble with reading and math.  I don't know what it costs to educate the individual student, but I'll just bet that a very sizable part of that amount is soaked up by the bureaucrats in  the Admin Building.     

So, the next time some politician wants to fire teachers or close schools or cut important programs because of a tight budget,  let's remind him that maybe we could do with a few empty chairs in this place.

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