Monday, July 6, 2009

Bomb, Bomb Iran

There was important news in the last couple of days regarding Israel's plans to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities - maybe..... Two separate news releases this weekend caught my eye. The first was Joe Biden's interview, in which he said that if Israel decided they wanted to bomb Iran, we wouldn't interfere. He said that Israel is a sovereign nation and we couldn't tell them what to do. At about the same time, we heard that Saudi Arabia wouldn't prohibit Israel from using its air space in carrying out the bombing run. It sure seemed like a green light to me, and I was pretty excited. Israel is the only power that could carry out the destruction, because of all the threats coming from Ahmadinejad, calling for Israel's obliteration. Then, today, there were more releases. Arab News reported that the Saudi government denies that it had dealings with Israel to use its air space. Later, someone in our State Department said that the U.S. would not give the green light for Israel to carry out such an attack. So, is that the end of it? I doubt it. I think that the U.S. and Israel came to a deal. All of a sudden, Netanyahu agreed to the idea of a separate state for the Palestinians, something he has always been against. And the U.S. position has always been (publicly, at least) that Israel should not atack Iran, because that would foul up future negotiations. Hmmmm... Then I found two other items. Israel now has a submarine prowling between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean, one that probably has missile-launching capabilities. Also, the Israeli Air Force is about to commence training exercises in the U.S. and Europe, with emphasis on long-range missions involving refueling. Even if all that is happening now never ends up in a bombing run, it should serve as a strong warning to Iran that things are serious. We will keep and eye on this one.

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